This is the scariest time for me since I've been out of prison.My lil babygirl has ran away from her dads and is now in a shelter in Little Rock,Ark.I have been in contact with her dad and I am trying to get her to come live with me.He told me if I would get an attorney to terminate his rights then he would sign her over to me.The problem with that is all these years he has had me believing that my rights had been taken away from me and I recently found out that that is not true.I still have visitation rights and he has kept my kids from me for the last 9yrs.I feel like he is trying to set me up by me getting the attorney and once we get in court he is going to try and get me for back child support.That is how evil he is.I have been in contact with the authorities in Ark. and they are trying to get it arranged for me to have Tori.She is refusing to come back to Texas if she has to live with her dad.CPS is trying to work with me by giving me a form that her dad can sign so I can have temp custody of her.We would have to go to court to get it to be full custody once she was returned to me.That poses another problem and scares the heck out of me.My fiance' was falsely accused of things back when I first got my divorce and he is not allowed around my kids.I'm terrified that once her dad finds out that I am back with my fiance' then he will renege on the signing of the papers or the courts will not let her come stay with me till I can prove his innocence.The system is something else when you have to deal with it and I hate it.They pick you apart and then still find things wrong when there isn't anything.I just have to keep praying that God will handle all of this and His Will will be done.I know that I am a good mother and I refuse to let Tori's dad make me believe any different.He ruled over me at one time but not anymore.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Graduation Day

This is from Chance's graduation day.He was such a big boy about it till he was told that he would be going to a big school all day now.He asked if he could just stay at MDO.It was so funny.I haven't blogged in a while and was told about it by Amy,so I am going to blog a couple of things today,just for you Goob.:)
I got to spend the day with Chance on Thurs. and we had such a great time.April even told me that if I would like for Chance to come spend a couple of days with me at my house that she would let me.Talk about over joyed!!!!I was estatic.My lil boy is growing up so fast and there is times that he just makes me cry cause I get to thinking of how blessed I am just to have him in my life.
He made me a Mother's Day card and gave it to me when I went to his graduation.I cried,of course.He is the sweetest lil boy.I don't know what I would do if he wasn't a part of my life these days.He really keeps my spirits up.
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