Sunday, June 8, 2008


Here I am again letting you know how wonderful God has been to me.I was blessed by my little boy getting to come spend a few days with me at my house.It was soooo awesome!We had the best time together.I took him to the park alone the first day and we fed the geese and ducks.The geese got too close to him and he climbed on top of the bench I was sittng at and they kept getting closer to us till they were right on top of us,that's when I decided it was time to move.Then we went to the playground area and played for awhile.He saw that the train was running and we went to ride on it.He had a blast and so did I.The next day we all went back and fed the geese again,but this time Mike let Chance put his hand under his and the geese ate out of his hand.It was sooooo cute!We also took a cardboard box so Chance could slide down the hill on it.It was hilarious.He tried to get inside it to slide and ended up tumbling down the hill instead.Mike and I busted out laughing at him.When we left the hill we went over to play for a little while and Mike caught the picture of Chance and I playing.I didn't even know he was taking it but was so pleased with it when I saw it that I just had to put it up on here.I never dreamed that I would have him at my home and I was soooo happy having him here.God has really blessed me with having a great relationship with my son and his family.Sorry it is small text.Ooops!!!