Well,here i am again.My lil girl got to come home with me this
past Monday and I have been soo happy.We are both trying to figure out how all this is going to work and scared shitless.We have to go to court for her on Monday to let her give her plea on a fighting ticket she got when she was with her dad.We also have to go and talk to the police and that has us both worried.There is alot that hasn't been straightened out yet so we are both trying to take it one day at a time and still get along.I have a lot to remember about how it is to have a kid in the house again.Don't get me wrong---I LOVE IT!!!!!! Her and I tend to do alot of clashing right now and it makes it hard on us both.She has been pretty much on her own for the last 2 mths and now thinks she can do whatever she feels like doing.I have to keep it in mind that I haven't been in her life for the past 9 yrs,but also can't let her have her way and run me over.Needless to say-I'm really making her mad right now.She is really trying hard to be a kid but hates to be told what to do and I fully understand how she is feeling cause I did the same things at her age.She is scared along with me that CPS is going to end up taking her away again and that will kill us both.She got to spend the day with her lil brother and had a blast.You would never believe that they just met for the first time.They are so happy together and he thinks she is just the best.I kinda think so myself.:) I love this lil girl with all my heart and I will do anything to keep her here with me.CPS has told us that they will provide us with all the support system we need and also they will pay for her schooling all the way to her masters degree in college.I can't believe this is even possible.All I can say is keep praying that God continues to work miracles in my life as He has been doing for me. I know that all things are posssible through Him!Till next time....God Bless!
I am glad things are going good for yall. I bet yall are having a great time. I hope all goes well Monday and remember we can always take matters into our own hands:)
So how are things? Yall having fun?
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