Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to school!!!!!

Precious togetherness!

Well,today is back to school day.YEA!!!!!! I have been waiting for this day to come.It has been really rough around the house lately and I just needed a break to regroup my thoughts.I will see how things go this afternoon when Tori gets home.It started out pretty rough actually.When we got to the school to check her in we did not expect her to be staying today,but they made out her schedule and told her to go to her class.She didn't take her backpack with us cause she figured it would be a few days before she actuaaly started due to not having her school records.She thought that she was going to just leave with me and come home to get her backpack, but I busted that bubble real quick.I told her that she was staying there and I would come home to get her things and bring them to her.Needless to say she wasn't a very happy camper.OH WELL!!!!!! Life has alot of lessons to teach her and I'm afraid it's going to be a tough one.Things have been really bad at home to the point that I'm ready to go get back on my meds.I have been soooo depressed lately and my whole house is miserable.I can't take much more of this crap.I asked God to just take me away yesterday since I can't seem to do anything right these days esp. when it comes to being a parent.I'm praying that now school has started that things will change around here some since Tori and I are not together 24/7.I told her this morning that I was going to get online and sign-up to get progress reports from her teachers as well as have parent/teacher meetings.I refuse to let her run my home and do what ever she pleases when she pleases.It has even started causing trouble between Mike and I and that is unacceptable.She made the comment of,"oh boy,it's starting already."She doesn't want me to be involved in her school cause she just wants to do what she wants and not have any consequences.NOT!!!!!! Well,wish me luck.I'm going to need all I can get!


Amy said...

Hell yeah....give her some rules. Good Luck ya

Amy said...

Um I was hoping there was a new post on here....:)